The 2 Legs latency 2 built-in strategy (bot) allows the trader to perform arbitrage on one account while locking on the other. This program locks side 1 while arbitrating on side 2. There will be no indication of arbitrage situations on side one, as it is used solely for locking.
2 Legs Latency 2 instruments and orders

Enabled – controls if the instrument is allowed to trade or not
Name – instrument name on feeder
Lot size 1 – lot size to be traded on the left side account
Lot size 2 – lot size to be traded on the right side account
Digits – how much digits instrument has in decimals
Spread SL – please check this box if you want to calculate Stop Los like percent from the spread
S/L – hidden stop loss for the position in points, if box “Spread SL” is not checked and in percent from the spread, if box “Spread SL” is checked
T/P – hidden take profit for the position
Ganancia mínima – how much profit the order should get (in points) for system to start trailing on this position
Pips for Min Profit – reserved, not used
Trail distance – the distance (in points) that is used for trailing on position
Trailing units – Points / Present . The software can calculate trailing stop in points or like percent from instrument’s price
Order lifetime – the maximum time the position can be opened
Slippage 1 – for instant execution brokers or FIX API brokers if you use limit orders – maximum allowed distance from requested price for the left side account
Slippage 2 – for instant execution brokers or FIX API brokers if you use limit orders – maximum allowed distance from requested price for the right side account
Commissions1 – you can set commissions for round turn for your left side account
Commissions2 – you can set commissions for round turn for your right side broker
Diff calculation method – please select one of 3: Standard, Reversed, SpreadCorrected
Standard | Reversed | SpreadCorrected |
BuyDiff = FastAsk – SlowAsk SellDiff = SlowBid – FastBid | BuyDiff = FastBid – SlowBid SellDiff = SlowAsk – FastAsk | BuyDiff = (FastBid – SlowAsk) SellDiff = (SlowBid – FastAsk) |
Include spread – check this box if you want to include the spread for differ to open calculation. The slow broker’s spread will be extracted from the difference to open.
Diff to open – distance between price on slow and fast to open the position
Units – select units points or percent for difference to open calculation. the percent is useful for crypto currencies arbitrage.
Max spread slow 1 – maximum allowed spread for the left side broker
Max spread slow 2 – maximum allowed spread for the right side broker
Max spread slow –
Max spread Fast – maximum allowed spread for the fast feed
Bid offset 1 – constant distance between bid on fast and bid on the slow left side broker (in points)
Bid offset 2 – constant distance between bid on fast and bid on the slow right side broker (in points)
Ask offset 1 – constant distance between ask on fast and ask on the slow left side broker (in points)
Ask offset 2 – constant distance between ask on fast and ask on the slow right side broker (in points)
Offset Calc – controls if the offset recalculation is used on instrument or not
Comment – internal identifier. The comment should be different for similar instruments.
Diff limit – maximum allowed difference for arbitrage signal
Curr Diff 1- current difference for between fast feed and the left side broker
Curr Diff 2– current difference for between fast feed and the right side broker
Max Diff 1 – the maximum difference between the fast feed and the left side broker that was detected during software was running
Max Diff 2 – the maximum difference between the fast feed and the right side broker that was detected during software was running
Curr Spread Slow 1 – current spread on the left side broker (in points)
Curr Spread Slow 2 – current spread on the right side broker (in points)
Curr Spread Fast – current spread on feeder (in points)
2 Legs Latency 2 bot settings

Label – the software generates a unique label for each strategy
Fast quotes session – you can select the fast feed session provided by our company: BJF Feed (London) or BJF Feed (NY), or add any of your fast connections in sessions and select it.
Slow session 1 – your slow session (broker) for arbitrage trading
Slow session 2 – your slow session (broker) for arbitrage trading
Offset recalculation group
Period – time distance between recalculations.
Interval – time interval, which is used to collect the ticks used for recalculations (from fast and slow broker)
Min ticks – minimum number of ticks on any (fast or slow) broker to perform recalculation.
Show results in log – please, tick if you want to check offset recalculation results.
Mapping group
Suffix – if your broker provides symbols in format EURUSDxxx, you need to specify xxx as Postfix
Mapping – in this field you need to specify specific symbols (CFDs, commodities) mappings. Each new mapping should be in separate line. The format is SymbolNameOnFast= SymbolNameOnMT5. For example. GDAXI=GER30.
Error Control – maximal number of allowed consecutive losses
Allow arbitrage – check if you allow the software searching for the arbitrage situations on this side
Allow open – check if you allow the software opening orders on this side
Close with S/L – the software will place stop loss when arbitrage situation appears on distance from the current price equal value specified in slippage in the instrument and orders tab
Max delay – maximally allowed delay for order opening in ms
T/P delay – set time in ms to make a pause before TP applying
Open/close parameters section
If you use the FIX API connection for trading, you can open FOK or IOC limit orders instead of market orders.
Open with limit – please, tick if you want to use limit orders instead of the market and select FOK limit or IOC limit.
Close with limit – please, tick if you want to use limit orders instead of the market and select FOK limit or IOC limit.
Trading options group
Time to strat trade – a time when the software will start searching for the arbitrage situations.
Time to stop trade – the time when the software will stop searching for the arbitrage situations.
Minimal order lifetime – this option is not available for the latency arbitrage
Factor Hard S/L – if you want to place real hard stop loss togather with hidden stop los, you need to set Hard S/L factor value and the software will calculate hard stop loss like hidden stop los value x Hard S/L factor
Lock Management group
Automatically close all locks – you can select day(s) of week and Close time correspondent to your VPS time when the software wil close all opened locks automatically
Entre bloqueos de cierre – pause in sec between closing 1st lock and 2d corresponding lock for the corresponding instrument
Entre bloqueos de apertura – pause in sec between opening 1st lock and 2d corresponding lock for the corresponding instrument
Entre órdenes de arbitraje – pause in sec between arbitrage orders
Reopen lock after – the software will reopen lock automatically after this time in seconds
Equity management group
Enable – controls if the equity management enabled or not
Max total equty – the part of equity you can afford to lose. Can be expressed either in currency or in percents.
Equity total minimum – if equity on account reaches specified value, the trading on the connection will be disabled.
Check news filter – please, check if you want to take into account economic news releases.
Trade on the news – please, check if you want to trade only on specific news releases.
Do not trade on the news – please, check if you do not want to trade on specific news releases.
Other users guide topics
- System requirements and Installation.
- Brokers/ Exchanges connectors.
- Bots (built-in strategies) adding
- Equity manager
- Botssetup