



The first and most popular not only on Forex, CFDs, and precious metals, but on Cryptocurrencies market, is latency arbitrage, or as it is also called one leg arbitrage. Latency arbitrage always involves a source of fast quotes (fast feed), which are always compared by the latency arbitrage program with the quotes received from a slow broker. If the price of the instrument at a fast broker increases by a certain number of pips relative to the price of the same instrument at a slow broker, this instrument is bought, if vice versa – sold. If you look at the history of latency arbitrage programs, you can understand that this development was predetermined by one factor – Forex brokers hate traders who use latency arbitrage and try to find them and throw sand in their wheels, using all kinds of plug-ins, although this type of trading is legal and it improves the market by leveling prices on it. Developers of latency arbitrage programs tried to oppose forex brokers and invented sophisticated algorithms for forex latency arbitrage software. As the first latency arbitrage robots opened an order for a very short time (a few milliseconds) and fixed a profit of one or two pips, the main criteria for determining the latency arbitrage trader were the order time and profit. Such a problem was solved by the latency arbitrage product developers through the use of trailing stops and imitation manual trading, but this solution did not help for a long time, as brokers improved the search algorithms.  At the next stage, the latency arbitrage software developers invented hedging orders on the same account on the other account – it allowed to increase globally the lifetime of the order and also to increase profit on one of the hedged accounts and loss on the other one. Now latency arbitrage can not be called one-leg arbitrage, as it has the second leg 😊 Although the essence has not changed, the real profit = profit on one account – loss on the other account = a few pips. This is how to lock latency arbitrage was born, which also underwent some changes and improvements and continues to successfully exist nowadays. On the other hand, since most crypto exchanges did not go the way of forex brokers and created a fair market, latency arbitrage crypto exchanges do not need additional improvements.  


在對沖套利中,也有兩個或多個經紀人之間的比較。 例如,我們有經紀人A和經紀人B。如果經紀人A對某一交易工具的價格超過經紀人B對同一工具的價格給定的點數,那麼對沖套利計畫將該工具出售給經紀人A,然後在經紀人B購買,從而固定利潤。 然後,對沖套利程式等待反向訊號,此時經紀人A的價格將比經紀人B的價格低一定數量的點,以關閉之前打開的頭寸。這種交易方法似乎不會傷害外匯經紀人,但問題是,在一對對沖基金中的兩個經紀人中,一個總是比另一個快,而對沖套利交易員的利潤將積累在速度較慢的經紀人身上。 事實上,在這種情況下,對沖套利軟體發起的所有訂單可分為兩種類型:由於流通量提供者之間報價差异而發起的訂單和由於延遲而發起的訂單。對於經紀公司來說,第一種是無害的,真正的STP經紀人不會關注它們,第二種是有害的,與延遲套利交易沒有任何區別。 在這種情況下,速度快的經紀人會感到高興,而速度慢的經紀人則不會,因為經紀公司的主要利潤不是來自傭金,而是交易員的損失。與延遲套利軟體一樣,對沖套利程式也經歷了許多變化和改進。 開發商的主要目標是减少對沖套利軟體對延遲引起的訊號的交易頻率,並只處理不同流通量提供者報價差异引起的訊號。



統計套利是基於某些工具具有歷史相關性這一事實。 例如,DE30是代表30家最大、流動性最强的德國公司的股票指數,FR40是法國股市的基準指數。 如果這些工具出現分歧,統計套利程式會買入一種工具,賣出另一種工具,並等待總頭寸因相關性而盈利的那一刻。 一些交易員試圖利用統計套利交易貨幣或加密貨幣,但我們認為這是有風險的。 因為歷史上相關的貨幣或加密貨幣在某種程度上可能會在很長一段時間內失去相關性。 



三角套利是一種久負盛名的套利策略,在外匯經紀商沒有調整報價的時候,這種策略很受歡迎。 也就是說,可以找到交叉貨幣及其合成貨幣對之間的差异。 現時幾乎沒有此類經紀人,兩個或三個不同經紀人之間使用三角套利導致我們遇到與使用對沖套利相同的問題,該計畫打開的所有訂單可分為兩種類型,即由於不同流通量提供者報價的差异而打開的訂單和由於延遲而產生的訂單。 儘管這樣,三角套利對經紀商的危害仍然小於對沖套利。 


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