Arbitrage Trading – A Quick Start Guide

Introduction So, you’ve decided to delve into arbitrage trading but are unsure where to begin. This article aims to concisely outline all the steps you need to take to kick off your arbitrage journey without hitting unforeseen obstacles. For clarity, all the steps will be presented in the order they should be undertaken. I’d also […]

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Comprehensive Guide to Advanced Arbitrage Strategies on HFT Platform: FAQs and Recommendations

In this article, I will describe in detail the algorithm of work of all arbitrage strategies built into the HFT Arbitrage platform. Latent Arbitrage built-in strategy This strategy is based on the difference in quote speeds of different brokers due to justified technological delays. The program compares the quotes received from the source of fast […]

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¿Qué estrategia de arbitraje es la más adecuada para mí?

The HFT Arbitrage Platform contains five built-in arbitrage strategies. Each strategy has a different algorithm and I would like to focus on that first. Built-in arbitrage strategies – description of the algorithms Latency arbitrage built-in strategy The latency arbitrage algorithm is based on the fact that different brokers receive quotes at different speeds and occurs […]

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hedge arbitrage trader

Arbitraje de cobertura para mercados de divisas y criptomonedas en 2022

El arbitraje de cobertura se vuelve un método de trading cuando el programa compara las cotizaciones entre dos o más brókeres. En caso de que haya una diferencia que supere un determinado valor umbral fijado por el agente en las cotizaciones de arbitraje de cobertura, el programa compra el instrumento de trading. Para esa operación, se fija la diferencia de precio tomando al bróker con el precio más bajo para vendérselo al bróker con el precio más alto. Los algoritmos para el arbitraje de cobertura pueden variar aún más.

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