How to choose a forex brokers that allow HFT Trading

Introduction The article is designed for beginners in Forex trading as well as for experienced traders who are not familiar with the backstage of Forex brokerage companies. In this article, we will tell about websites reviewing different Forex brokers. Also, we will consider the types of Forex brokers that brokers list on their websites and […]

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Virtual Dealer plug-in: juego sucio en tu contra

Introduction Probably any experienced trader knows that forex brokers often use plug-ins called virtual dealers. Such a plugin first appeared in 2006 and made a lot of noise among traders. For this reason, such developments were practically classified, and now they are called risk management. Yes, brokers manage their risk because they take a big […]

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HFT y trading de arbitraje de divisas en 2023

Introduction In this article, we will tell you how to start arbitrage trading in 2023, trading both on regular forex accounts and passing through contests in prop companies. Every year the use of latency arbitrage software becomes more and more complicated. This happens because Forex brokers do not want to let traders win and for […]

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the best latency arbitrage strategy

¿Cómo funciona la estrategia de arbitraje de latencia más avanzada?

Introduction – motivational. If you want to get ahead in a big way as a latency arbitrage trader, I just urge you to read this article thoughtfully to the very end. If you don’t understand any of the following, email me questions and I’ll be sure to answer you. I promise I will answer everyone. […]

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Cómo superar el reto de utilizar el arbitraje de latencia en una empresa de trading de divisas por cuenta propia

What is proprietary forex trading An alternative to trading forex with your own funds through brokers is proprietary trading with funds from a prop firm. A forex proprietary firm is a company that evaluates a trader’s skills (usually through a trading challenge) and assigns a certain amount of its own capital for the trader to […]

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select suitable arbitrage bot

¿Qué estrategia de arbitraje es la más adecuada para mí?

The HFT Arbitrage Platform contains five built-in arbitrage strategies. Each strategy has a different algorithm and I would like to focus on that first. Built-in arbitrage strategies – description of the algorithms Latency arbitrage built-in strategy The latency arbitrage algorithm is based on the fact that different brokers receive quotes at different speeds and occurs […]

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Software de arbitraje de trading de divisas - cómo evitar errores

Software for arbitrage trading or EA (EA) Latency arbitrage is a program, which implements a trading algorithm based on the fact that the rate of quotes submission to some forex brokers (fast forex brokers) is much faster than to the majority of brokers (slow forex brokers). This makes it possible to implement comparison of quotes […]

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hedge arbitrage trader

Arbitraje de cobertura para mercados de divisas y criptomonedas en 2022

El arbitraje de cobertura se vuelve un método de trading cuando el programa compara las cotizaciones entre dos o más brókeres. En caso de que haya una diferencia que supere un determinado valor umbral fijado por el agente en las cotizaciones de arbitraje de cobertura, el programa compra el instrumento de trading. Para esa operación, se fija la diferencia de precio tomando al bróker con el precio más bajo para vendérselo al bróker con el precio más alto. Los algoritmos para el arbitraje de cobertura pueden variar aún más.

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arbitrage trading

Nuevos métodos e ideas para el software de arbitraje de latencia de divisas y criptomonedas en 2022

La idea del arbitraje de latencia para el mercado de divisas surgió hace bastante tiempo y comenzó con algoritmos bastante sencillos. Eran robots de arbitraje de latencia: asesores expertos de MetaTrader que constaban de dos partes. La primera parte es un alimentador de arbitraje de latencia: un

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