


外匯自營公司是 家評估交易員技能的公司(通常通過交易挑戰),並分配一定數量的自有資金供交易員交易。 質詢的目的(評估期)是瞭解交易員是否足够合格,是否能够按照公司的規則進行資金管理。 與自營公司進行交易通常需要支付某種費用,無論是通過評估期的入場費,還是繼續交易公司資金並賺取利潤的月費。 這種類型的交易只有在您的特定情况下,積極因素大於消極因素時才有意義,因為自營交易肯定不適合所有人。


  • 相對容易獲得資金來賺取利潤
  • 嚴格的風險管理規則有助於您走上正軌,避免外匯交易員犯下的大部分心理錯誤。
  • 各種各樣的自營公司可供選擇。
  • 其中一些公司提供優質的教育資料和有用的貿易工具。
  • 由於自營交易員使用演示帳戶進行交易,交易條件和國別可用性不受外匯監管機构的限制。


  • 內寘的利益衝突——對於一家自營公司來說,從每個交易員那裡收取盡可能多的費用是有利的。
  • 對最低交易量和最低盈利能力的要求、最長倉位持有短期以及對新聞交易的限制促使交易員採用非常短期的交易方式。
  • 對於那些能够使用適合自己的策略成功交易自己資金的交易員來說,試用可能是浪費時間和金錢。


Almost all prop companies prohibit latency arbitrage as well as news trading to pass checks. Even if these points are not spelled out in the terms of trade, I do not recommend using latency arbitrage in its pure form. Nor does using hedge arbitrage bring results. Yes, proprietary companies are “slow” and when you trade with a fast broker, the profit will eventually accumulate on the slow broker, i.e. on the proprietary account, but you run the risk that the hedged pair can go into negative equity and thus violate the rules of the proprietary company’s checks. The same problem can occur when using lock strategies like 2-legs Latency 1 – 2-Legs Latency 3 in two different accounts. For this reason, we gradually come to the conclusion that the only correct solution is to use the lock strategy in one account, thus narrowing the choice between three strategies 2-legs Latency 1, 2, or 3. Naturally, the choice falls on 2-legs Latency 1 because it is the only strategy that is the most effective for working on one account. Many proprietary companies require using hard stop loss, and this feature is implemented in 2-legs Latency 1.  I would like to immediately note that there is a possibility of the use of anti-arbitrage plugins by competition companies on all demo accounts and on such accounts, this strategy will not show effective results. If the prop company does not apply the plugin, then we recommend not to show fabulous profits and work within the conditions of the company. I.e. if you need to earn 10% a month in order to pass the account, there is no need to earn 20%, because this will attract unnecessary attention to you. Before you start trading and setting up a strategy, read all the rules of change of the prop company where you are registered, and only then perform the setting with all the requirements taken into account. Start trading with the minimum lot and one or two instruments in order to see what the execution time and slippage are. If the slippage with the minimum lot does not “kill” the profit received from the arbitrage trading, try the other trading instruments, and after that start to increase the trading lot. You need to choose the lot size and trading instruments on the basis of the minimum profit threshold in a given proprietary company.

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